Mountain Lakes Board of Realtors has the following Committees for 2025.
If you are interested in volunteering for one of our committees, please email us for more information.
Professional Standards Committee, Chairperson - Kristine Flaig
The purpose of the Professional Standards Committee is to conduct hearings as required on matters of unethical conduct of Association Members or arbitration as requested.
- This is a standing committee making up at least three (3) Association members in good standing, of whom at least a majority shall be REALTORS®
- The President, subject to confirmation by the Association of Directors, shall appoint the members to the committee.
- MLBOR requires that all Committee Members complete the 8-hr Professional Standards Training every three (3) years
Mountain Lakes Board of Realtors® utilizes a Citation Policy and has established a Citation Panel.
- This panel is comprised of at least three (3) members, who will review complaints to determine eligibility for the citation program and the appropriate citations.
- The Citation Panel will be a subset of the Professional Standards Committee.
Grievance Committee, Chairperson - Andrea Laney
The purpose of the Grievance Committee is to evaluate ethical and arbitration complaints presented to the Association and determine whether the complaint warrants a hearing by the Professional Standards Committee.
- This is a standing committee within the Association. The make-up is to include at least three (3) Association members in good standing, of whom at least a majority shall be REALTORS®
- To review complaints (Public and REALTOR®) presented to the Association.
- To assist, if needed, the complainant in the process of filing a complaint.
- To forward appropriate complaints to the Professional Standards Committee.
- For filling complaints if the need arises and provide determinations of the panel to the Executive Officer with instructions to dismiss or refer to the Professional Standards Committee.
- To follow procedures set forth in the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.
- MLBOR requires that all Committee Members complete the 8-hr Professional Standards Training every three (3) years
MLS Committee, Chairperson - Bonnie Dupree
The name of this organization is the Mountain Lakes Board of Realtors, Inc., Multiple Listing Service (MLS), and it shall be a committee function under the direction of the Mountain Lakes Board of Realtors, Inc., and administered and guided by the appointed MLS committee.
- This is a standing committee making up of five (5) REALTOR® members.
- The purpose of the MLS is to:
- Facilitate the orderly correlation and dissemination of listing information so participants may better serve their clients, customers and the public
- Means by which authorized participants make blanket unilateral offers of compensation to other participants (acting as subagents, buyer agents, or in other agency or non-agency capacities defined by law)
- Means of enhancing cooperation among participants
- Means by which information is accumulated and disseminated to enable authorized participants to prepare appraisals, analyses, and other valuations of real property for clients and customers.
- Means by which participants engaging in real estate appraisal contribute to common databases.
- Provide lockbox service to every MLS Participant and every non-principal broker, sales licensee and licensed or certified appraiser who is affiliated with an MLS Participant and who is legally eligible for MLS access.
- Amendments to the rules and regulations of the Service shall be by a majority vote of the MLS Committee, subject to approval by the Board of Directors of the Board of Realtors.
- The President, subject to confirmation by the Association of Directors, shall appoint the members to the committee.
Meets: 4-5 times a year or as needed
Community Outreach Committee, Chairperson - Donna Srabian
The purpose of the Community Outreach Committee is to evaluate, recommend, and organize projects to benefit the community and enhance the image of REALTORS®.
- Vets and recommends beneficiaries of all MLBOR fundraising.
- Selects community service activities for REALTORS® to volunteer time and/or donate items in need.
- The committee will encourage association members to be actively involved in community affairs and conduct community service activities to publicize and promote the REALTOR® brand.
Meets: 5-6 times a year or as needed
Political Action Committee, Chairperson -
- Monitors local, state, and federal governmental actions.
- Reviews ordinances and policies that may impact REALTORS® in conducting their business successfully and ethically and to promote the preservation of the right to own, use, and transfer real property
- Works with elected officials on issues impacting property values and quality of life in Greater Chattanooga
- To consider all matters of taxation and legislation, zoning & ordinances affecting real estate and property owners within the jurisdiction of the Association and to advise the Board concerning these matters.
- Responsible for informing members of issues important to REALTORS® and those candidates who support those issues.
- Solicits RPAC contributions and educates members on their role in the REALTOR® Party to Vote, Act & Invest to protect and promote home ownership and real estate investment.
- Assists in the planning of RPAC-related events, including the annual Participation, Major Investor, and Red White & Thank You events.
- Helps to coordinate collections of RPAC contributions from MLBOR members
Meets: 5-6 times a year or as needed
Technology / Innovation Committee, Chairperson - Chris Thompson
The Committee shall review, research and/or vet new MLS products and services that could benefit MLBOR Participants, Subscribers, MLS Staff and Affiliate users.
- Act as an advisory group to screen and evaluate new technologies
- Evaluate current technology platforms offered as member benefits
- Discuss emerging trends in real estate technology
- Expected to make recommendations to the MLBOR Board of Directors on applicable products that are deemed to be an important benefit
- Help to educate members on the benefits and risks of new technologies
- During times of an MLS system review, the committee may act as an advisory task force for the BOD by reviewing alternative MLS systems
- Create a dynamic feedback system to engage & receive input from the public and our members
Meets: 3-4 times a year or as needed
Nominating Committee
The MLBOR Nominating Committee is responsible for reviewing all nominations to ensure candidates meet the qualifications of the position to which they have been nominated. Prior to August 1, the Nominating Committee will vote on a recommended slate of officers and directors for the association for the following year. These are to be presented at the following month’s Board of Directors meeting. The annual nomination, election of officers and directors to the North Carolina Association of REALTORS® is intended to be an open process, so members may nominate themselves or fellow members.
- At least two (2) months before an annual election, a Nominating Committee of three (3) Realtor® members shall be appointed by the President with approval from the Board of Directors
- To interview all qualified candidates for Officer and Director positions submitted by the Credentialing Committee.
- The Committee shall select one (1) candidate for each Office and one (1) candidate for each place to be filled on the Association of Directors
Meets: 1-2 times a year or as needed
Scholarship Committee
Recommends to the Mountain Lakes Board of Realtors candidates to be awarded scholarship from the MLBOR Scholarship Fund.
- Review scholarship applications with the goal of providing final recommendations.
- Abide by given scholarship applicant consideration guidelines (in no order of importance): Financial Need, Academics, Extracurricular and Community Involvement.
- Equal consideration should be given to vocational education applicants to promote these fields within our community.
- Committee members are expected to act as representative(s) upon request, to present our scholarship awards to recipients at high school award ceremonies.
Meets: 1-2 times a year
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee consists of three (3) members: Treasurer, President, and President Elect.
- The chairperson of this committee is appointed by the Board president.
- The Finance Committee is responsible for the review and approval of the Association’s annual budget which is put together using the Mountain Lakes Board of Realtors Strategic Plan as a guideline
- The accounts of the Mountain Lakes Board of Realtors shall be audited annually as of the close of the fiscal year by a Certified Public Accountant. An accounting firm is selected by the Finance Committee and approved by the Board of Directors
- Any changes to the investment policy are recommended for approval by the Finance Committee. The approved recommendations are then presented to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors for final approval.
Education / Professional Development Committee, Chairperson - Chrissy Sidler
The purpose of this committee is to evaluate, recommend and organize training to benefit our REALTOR® members.
- Committee members recommend educational programs and events for MLBOR members and provide on-site support at the events.
- Helps engage members by promoting Association programs and services within their offices.
- Plans, organizes, and promotes all educational seminars and continuing education courses.
Meets: 3-4 times a year or as needed
MLBOR Bylaws state the following: The President shall appoint from among the REALTOR® Members, subject to confirmation by the Association of Directors, standing committees. The President shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Association of Directors, special committees as deemed necessary. All committees shall be of such size and shall have duties, functions, and powers as assigned by the President or the Association of Directors except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees and shall be notified of their meetings.